Shipping fee and delivery time

China Korea Taiwan
postage ¥2,200
Delivery time (estimate) About 3 to 5 days
Asia (excluding China, Korea, and Taiwan)
postage ¥3,150
Delivery time (estimate) 3 days to 2 weeks
Oceania Canada Mexico Middle East Europe
postage ¥4,400
Delivery time (estimate) 5th to 17th
postage ¥5,300
Delivery time (estimate) 11-12 days
Latin America Africa
postage ¥5,100
Delivery time (estimate) 8th to 14th
postage Delivery time (estimate)
China Korea Taiwan ¥2,200 About 3 to 5 days
Asia (excluding China, Korea, and Taiwan) ¥3,150 3 days to 2 weeks
Oceania Canada Mexico Middle East Europe ¥4,400 5th to 17th
US ¥5,300 11-12 days
Latin America Africa ¥5,100 8th to 14th


  1. Delivery times are only an estimate.
    Please note that delivery may be delayed depending on weather and transportation conditions.
  2. The total amount that can be purchased at one time is up to 200,000 yen.